Friday, April 10, 2015

What About Toxic Parents?

From my research and own personal experience with home-schoolers, I’ve come to realize that there’s a link between home-schooling and toxic or over controlling parents.  This control is all too apparent in the home-school community especially in conservative Christians and conservative Christian textbooks. With conservative Christians, all too often we hear about how children need to be obedient at all times to their parents. This is good for children learning how to stay safe, such as a parents telling a child not to touch a hot stove or to not cross a busy street (Galli, 2013).  However, when the control starts to be too much is when it is most harmful.
There are many negative impacts of having overly controlling parents in your life.  Even throughout adulthood, there still may be negative effects. Dan Neuharth, Ph.D. lists

“Ten Signs Early Unhealthy Control May Still Affect You:
  • Fell perfectionistic, driven, or rarely satisfied
  • Feel intimidated or easily angered around controlling people
  • Lose yourself in relationships by automatically putting others’ needs first
  • Find it hard to relax, laugh or be spontaneous
  • Feel as if you are under scrutiny even when no one else is around
  • Have an eating disorder or addictive behaviors
  • Have trouble finding a spiritual belief that feels right
  • Expect others to hurt, judge, or take advantage of you
  • Have harsh “inner critics”
  • Have trouble asserting yourself or feeling proud of your accomplishments” (Neuharth, 1999)

...just to name a few.  A couple other signs that you may have controlling parents or toxic parents is if you suffer from depression, anxiety, and self-harm to yourself. So what if you meet many of these signs?  More lists!

Ten Signs You May Have Had Controlling Parents, when growing up, your parents…
  • Over scrutinized your eating, appearance, hobbies, or social life  
  • Pressured you with perfectionistic expectations or unattainable standards
  • Forbade you from questing or disagreeing with them
  • Discouraged you from expressing anger, fear, or sadness around them
  • Violated your privacy
  • Intimidated, manipulated, or overpowered you
  • Discouraged your efforts to experiment and think for yourself
  • Gave you no say in household rules and responsibilities
  • Seemed unaware of the pain they caused you or others
  • Seemed unwilling to admit they were wrong” (Neuharth, 1999)

The last list that I identify most with as a child who grew up with controlling parents is Neuharth’s list:

“Ten Signs Your Parents May Still Control You: Even today as an adult, you…
  • Feel disloyal when acting or feeling differently than your parents
  • Feel easily annoyed or impatient with your parents without knowing why
  • Feel confused by parental mixed messages
  • Are afraid to express your true feeling around your parents
  • Feel intimidated or belittled by your parents
  • Worry more about pleasing your parents than being yourself
  • Find it hard to emotionally separate from your parents
  • Talk to your parents more out of obligation than choice
  • Get tense when you think about being around your parents
  • Want to temporarily reduce or sever contact with a parent” (Neuharth, 1999).

So maybe you identify with all of these signs and lists or just enough that you now may be thinking, “what if my parents have been controlling me all this time?”.  Great! Realizing that all this pain you may have might just not be your fault.  No one should have to live with a toxic parent and the best thing you can do for yourself if get some help.
I’m currently going through a journey of realizing that my mother may have been and still is today an over controlling parent.  I’ve talked with my loved one, friends, my group therapy, and my therapist about my controlling mother and have come to realize that all these negative effects I have had may have stemmed from having such a controlling mother.  But what do you do after you know that you have a controlling parent?  Being emotionally enmeshed with your parent makes it hard to break free even though you know that’s what you want to do.  I know that when I tell my mother I don’t want to come home for whatever reason, it’s going to be met with her pushing overwhelming guilt on me and her saying how I must not love them.  These are actually some of the ways a controlling parent may keep control over you, not by physical means, but by emotionally pulling at your strings to get you to do what they want you to.
I don’t have the answer to everything.  I certainly am no expert at home-school families and parents.  However, I do know that if you feel threatened by your parents, that its time to get help.  Besides having a good support group of friends and a therapist, you can also research controlling and toxic parents.  A book I’ve found helpful in this process is: Toxic Parents: overcoming their hurtful legacy and reclaiming your life by Dr. Susan Forward. Some other resources can come from books and online articles.

Galli, M. “Christian Families Should Focus on Grace, Not Control”. The New York Times. Jan. 14, 2013. Web.
Neuharth, D. 1999. If You Had Controlling Parents: How to Make Peace with Your Past and Take Your Place in the World. Harper Perennial. New York, NY.

For More Information:
Website of If You Had Controlling Parents with more resources and links:
A short article to get you started:
How to deal with toxic parents:

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